
Monday, October 22, 2012


Oh my gosh you guys, I only have 2 more days left of my challenge!! :( What am I going to do with myself after I'm done lol...well I know I now have set a standard for myself, and I'm not sure if I will be able to keep a design on for long after doing my nails everyday for the past month :P So I'm sure I'll figure it out. Anywho, on to today's design! I apologize I'm posting so late, but my mother insisted I paint her nails tonight. So she has the same design on her nails that I did yesterday :) She loved them so much she wouldn't pick anything else hahaha. And I have to admit, I thought it was awesome being able to do those skulls on myself, but it's even more exciting for me to be able to do them again on someone else! I don't mean to brag or sound stuck up at all when I say this, but I am very proud of myself and I think I'm getting very good :) Going through all of the designs I have done the past 30 days has kind of blown my mind a little bit lol. I never thought I would be able to do some of the stuff I did....just like today's design ;) Today's design was 'Inspired by The Supernatural'. At first I could not think of anything, so I asked my Facebook followers for their opinion and their answers were, "ghosts, witches, vampires and eyes in fog". And apart from vampires, I decided to do all of them :P

Isn't this so cute!! My mom LOVED this! :) and so did Brandon. It actually turned out better than I thought. When I first started I had done the trees, ghosts and the tombstones and I didn't like it all that much...but after I added in the fog, it seemed to tie it all together :) and Thank Goodness! hahaha I think I probably would have cried if it didn't turn out.

I free-handed everything in this design except for the witch, she is a stamp :P  (from Bundle Monster, plate BM13). It was so fun to see everything come together as I came closer to finishing this design, I love how it ended up making a little scene in the night :) 
I started out with China Glaze, Frostbite and then added in the ghosts with my name-less white L.A. Colors, the tombstones with a mixture of the white and China Glaze, Concrete Catwalk and then the tree's with my black striper polish. The moon is a mixture of the white and Silky Polish, Tussah Sunglow and then I used make up sponges to create the flog, and dotting tools to make the eyes.

This is perfect for Halloween! :) I wish I could keep it on longer than one day. But I am almost done with my challenge! Have you guys liked my designs so far?

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