
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Do you guys like a good deal as much as I do?? :)

A few days ago I had bought a new file, acrylic powder and Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat (Which I absolutely LOVE!! :P). What I didn't realize when I got home (and had applied glue-on nail tips, and acrylic to one hand) was that I did not have enough monomer to do both hands :S I had one hand done and the other hand just had glue-on nail tips. Now for anyone who knows me, I am what you could say "A Perfectionist" when it comes to my nails...And I have to finish them once I start. I am the type of person where, once I start something, I have to finish it or else I don't feel like I accomplished anything.
But the most depressing part of this was I did not have a car to drive across town to Sally's to buy more monomer, and as soon as I did have a car I had to leave for work and would not be done until after Sally's was closed :( So the next day when the car was available I drove to Sally's.
Now when I got to Sally's the only thing I intended to buy was the monomer...but I'm sure this has happened to everyone at some point haha. That moment when you walk into the store and they are having a Ridiculously good sale!! hahaha and of course there was nail polish! So after grabbing the $17 monomer, I stopped to see if there were any colors I would like...OH BOY!! After about 20 minutes, the sales associate asked if I needed any help lol probably because I had been in one spot for so long. I told her I was fine but was wondering if I could use 2 coupons I had at the same time, and explained what they were. So after grabbing what polishes I wanted, I nervously waited for her to tell me my total. After she rang up all of the polishes and the monomer she told me that if I spent about a dollar more she would be able to give me another $5 coupon. I was really excited because there were some Crackle polishes that had caught my eye (I'm not a huge fan of the Crackle polishes, not because they are not pretty, but because I like to do my nails with more detail. But I did want to try them out). So I grabbed 3 because they were .75 cents each and beautiful colors! And after her adding those to my total I was much more nervous than before lol...she told me my total was $15 (and something cents) and my jaw dropped! I had 10 polishes and monomer that was $17 on its own...So I walked out with a huge smile on my face because I received 10 polishes for free! Plus $2 off of the monomer I bought! I was one happy girl hahah :)

Here are the polishes I bought:

The 3 on the left are the Crackle polishes and then I bought the green because it's such a beautiful color.

I was/am most excited about the Striper polishes because I have never tried them before. So as soon as I got home and finished my acrylic nails I tested them out :) I will upload more pictures tomorrow.

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