
Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I'm really excited to share with you some beautiful Holo/Thermal polishes from Doctor Lacquer today. These are her all part of her CoHOLOrful Traits Collection, and I was very fortunate to be able to win a mini set of these polishes from Doctor Lacquer.

CoHOLOrful Traits is collection made up of 6 thermal polishes (3 are cold-sensitive and 3 are warm-sensitive). I have all 6 colors so this will be a picture heavy post, but I think you will enjoy it! :)

Malicious Pleasure, True Compassion, Natural Flirt, Optimistic Youth, Royal Luxury and Mysterious Love.

I was so excited about these polishes that I took these 2 photos right after I got them, which maybe wasn't the best idea because the bottles were cold :P So a few of them are actually not there original color, but the color they transition into…my bad :P

Up first are the cold-sensitive colors :)

3 coats, no topcoat.

Malicious Pleasure is a gorgeous soft pink which transitions to a beautiful salmon pink. I absolutely love this one! I couldn't stop staring at it…but I was that way with all of them hahaha…I  think these 2 colors are perfect together, the transition is absolutely amazing!! (I am wearing this one now!)

3-4 thin coats, no topcoat.

Royal Luxury is a beautiful light blue when warm and transitions into this beautiful pinkish/purple (the photo shows up more purple but if you look at the photos up top (of the bottles) you can see the pinkish color). I want to say this is the best transition but I would say that about pretty much all of them :P They are all amazing!

3-4 thin coats, no topcoat.

Natural Flirt is the only one that I didn't really see much of a transition with. It's supposed to be mauve when warm and transition to a taupe when cold, but no matter what I did I couldn't see much transition…but I do have to admit that the holo in this one is amazing! So I'm not disappointed at all!

Now onto the Warm-sensitive colors!

2-3 coats, no topcoat.

Mysterious Love is another one of my favorites, it transitions from purple to pink and is absolutely stunning!! I think that I like the warm-sensitive ones a little bit more than the cold-sensitive because from the moment I applied the first coat I could see both colors (because my nail bed is warm, but the tip of my nail was cold).

3 coats, no topcoat.

This is the most intriguing transition out of all of them to me! Optimistic Youth transitions from a burnt orange to a lime green. At first I wasn't sure if I would like this one so much because the burnt orange seemed a little bit more brown to me…but after applying the first 2 coats I fell in love with it! The transition really caught me off guard because while I was waiting for the 2nd coat to dry I was scrolling through my Instagram and I noticed me nails were green! I love that this one is a warm-sensitive. And if you can't tell, I had fun with this one (hence the extra photo lol)…I really like the orange color as well. I think that after Doctor Lacquer released this set, this one was one that some people didn't grab…and I guess I can understand it…but this is a good example of never judge a book by it's cover, because anyone who didn't grab this one is missing out!

2-3 coats, no topcoat.

And the last one up is True Compassion. If you guessed that I love this one (because it's blue) you are absolutely right! This is a subtle transition from a cobalt blue to a light blue, and it's Gorgeous! You add holo to a blue polish and you will have me mesmerized for hours! :P LOL! That's no joke!

When I first started playing around with these I had a hard time catching the colors in the photos, so the key is to use a flash ;) (Helpful hint to anyone wondering). Once I figured that out I couldn't stop until I was done with all 6! I was going to split it up and swatch 3 last night and then finish the other 3 today, but I couldn't stop :P They are way to entertaining! Just ask my fiance! :P He was laughing at me for most of the night...but he thought it was cute :)

So overall I have to give a standing ovation to Doctor Lacquer…maybe even bow down to her hahaha! Don't mind me if I'm being a little over dramatic. These are my first Thermal polishes…the last time I used a color changing polish was when I was like 10, my sister had one of the polishes that change in sunlight.

If you would like to pick these polishes up for yourself you can find them at Doctor Lacquer's website (which is currently down until she gets a restock): Also, make sure to follow her on Facebook: and Instagram: @doctorlacquer, for more goodies!

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