
Friday, April 11, 2014


Happy Friday! Do you guys have anything fun planned for the weekend?? I usually don't do much on the weekends, but this weekend is different :) This weekend my fiance and I are driving up to Seattle to watch Supercross! I couldn't be anymore excited! I haven't ever done anything like this so it's a new experience for me…and Seattle is one of those places that is on my Bucket list so it will be so fun to finally go there and explore :)

Before I leave I do have a few polishes to share with you ;) These polishes are from Alchemy Lacquers, they are part of her new Spring Forward Collection which will be released tomorrow! This collection consists of a few creams, some crellies (which are still knew to me. I'm still getting the hang of the formula), and also some glitter bombs. I know she is very excited about this collection (as she should be!) and I'm very excited that I get to be apart of helping swatch for the release.

**These polishes were sent to me for review. Please see my Disclosure Policy listed in the tabs above.**

Wisteria, Daffodil, Nasturtium, Crocus, Lavendula, Hyacinthus, Borage, Gilded Hyacinth, Potion No. 1 and Potion No. 2.

First up is Wisteria. This is a beautiful light purple cream with small purple and silver flecks. It''s almost opaque in 1 coat, 2 works great, but because my nails are long I added a 3rd just to make sure the entire nail was opaque (sometimes the tip of my nail still looks a little see through after 2 coats). After swatching all of the colors, this one turned out to be my favorite :)

Daffodil is the one that really caught my eye first, it's a pale yellow glitter crellie with some shimmer. It has pale and golden yellow glitters in multiple shapes. 3 coats is fully opaque but I wasn't patient enough to let each coat dry so it turned out very thick :S (oops) …so I redid it and applied 2 coats over Royal Polish, Little Peep. It was still slightly thick, so I wonder if maybe it wasn't my application, but a little thinner will even it right out! Overall I do still love it though…I'm a sucker for pale yellow polishes.

Nasturtium is another one that caught my eye, this is a very, very light orange crellie with red, orange and yellow glitters in multiple shapes and sizes. I think this one is very cute! Not very many Indie Brands have included orange into their Spring lines, so I was very happy to see this one. 2-3 coats  for complete opaqueness. 

Lavendula is a very light lavender crellie with multiple sized purple, blue and silver glitters. 2-3 coats for opaqueness. This one is very cute :) I love the purple and blue together…the photos look like the polish might be a little thick, which I think is just the way the crellie polish looks because the application was actually pretty even and smooth.

Crocus is a light purple crellie with multiple size purple, yellow and silver glitters. The yellow glitters kind of add to this color and make it pop without taking over the other colors, and I really like the base color of this one, it's like a soft, pink-ish purple. 2-3 coats. 

Hyacinthus is actually a purple crellie base (despite the photos looking blue) with purple, blue, light blue, green and silver glitters in multiple shapes and sizes. I used 3 thin coats and the glitters spread out very nice and evenly, I didn't have to do glitter placement with any of these colors. The base of this one is a little bit more sheer than the other colors, I think it might pop if it was layered over another color.

Borage is light blue crellie with light blue, blue, green, purple and silver multiple sized glitters. I'm not sure what I did to make these photos turn out kind of orange :( I'll have to be careful of that…3 thin coats for full coverage.

Potion No. 1 is pink, yellow, white, orange and red multi sized glitter bomb. I used 1 coat over Royal Polish, Little Peep. I thought about layering this one over the top of an orange, but I'm glad I used the yellow because it makes all of the colors stand out! And I love the color combo…the only thing I'd like a little bit more about this one is if when I applied it it didn't have so many glitters with just one coat. If there were a little bit less glitters and they were spread out evenly over the nail this polish would be a home run for me! Overall it is still very cute :)

Gilded Hyacinth is a silver (chrome?) glitter with pink, purple and blue glitters. I used 2 coats, which was completely opaque…I do have to admit that this polish is Gorgeous, even though it's not really my cup of tea.

And last up is Potion No. 2. This is a fun pink, blue and green glitter bomb. I used 1 coat over KBShimmer, Pansy-Monium.

I totally love that these polishes are named after flowers! I think that Rebecca, from Alchemy Lacquers did a great job! If you would like to pick up any of these colors for yourself you can do so tomorrow evening at

Also make sure to follow Alchemy Lacquer on Facebook and Instagram :)

Instagram: @alchemylacquers


  1. Great swatches they all look stunning on your nails! My favourite if I had to pick would be Gilded Hyacinth, that's so nice! Hope you had a fab weekend! xx

  2. I loveee following you on instagram. I've recently gotten into doing nails and have gotten really good!
