I usually don't put white on my toes but for some reason I decided to today, and I'm glad I did :)
Nail Passion
Nail Art is my passion! This blog is all about nails :) I wanted to share my passion with others and be able to connect and follow others who share the same interests! I hope you enjoy my blog :) Feel free to comment, like, share and/or give feedback. (You can also find me on Facebook and Pinterest).
Sunday, September 30, 2012
I wanted to share an extra design with you guys today :) I did a colorful zebra print over white on my toes and I liked it so much I had to share.
Hello there! :) Today is day 7 of my 31 day challenge, which is Black and White Nails.
I decided to try a design I've seen all over, newspaper nails :) Have you guys seen them? They are so cute! My sister is the one who introduced them to me, she was so excited about them...that was over a year ago :S (lol) so I'm FINALLY doing them! Only instead of using newspaper and alcohol, I used water and magazine paper.
I decided to try a design I've seen all over, newspaper nails :) Have you guys seen them? They are so cute! My sister is the one who introduced them to me, she was so excited about them...that was over a year ago :S (lol) so I'm FINALLY doing them! Only instead of using newspaper and alcohol, I used water and magazine paper.
I wanted to try the newspaper look, but I wanted to add a little extra, so I added the little square things you can use to scan with your phone. Do you know what I'm talking about? The picture below of my thumb shows the design bigger.
I really like the look of this design, but I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my nails that this is not something I would do very often. It's super cute but it's hard to get the words to come out opaque every time, and I don't like the faded look.
I used a magazine, water and Sinful Colors, Snow Me White.
Here's another picture that shows my thumb...as you can see it turned out better than the design on my ring finger. When I found the squares, the one I used on my ring finger was really small and the one on my thumb was pretty big. So, if you want to try this, I recommend finding the bigger squares :)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Hello everyone! :) I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday! My day was pretty crazy, but it was still good. I am really excited about my nails today! The color today is Violet...I love purple! It is one of my favorite colors :) I also love stars (wink, wink)...can you guess what my nails look like today?? lol
I love these! Stars and purple? ...you can never go wrong :P
For this design I used a base color of L.A. Colors (it doesn't have a name :S ) but it is purple. Then I used a glitter from Fingerpaints, Movie In The Park, and for the stars I used China Glaze, Liquid Leather. The stars are stamped on...I did not freehand them...and the plate is CH5.
Please feel free to let me know what you think :) Thank you for checking out my nails for the day!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Day 5!! Wow...it's already day 5! I'll tell ya, doing my nails every day is awesome, but because I'm not used to it, it seems to make my days go by faster hahaha. Anywho, before I show you my nails for today, I forgot to share with you the Cheeky Plates I bought!
This is the little box they came in...isn't it cute!? lol and I am so happy to announce that I now have Nail Stamping License :P I also took a closer picture so you guys could read the cute story thats on the inside.
So back to my nails, Blue is the color for my nails today :) I love blue...and I've seen so many beautiful blue nails on Pinterest lately!! I don't know what it is about blue nails, but I am so attracted to them.
This is the little box they came in...isn't it cute!? lol and I am so happy to announce that I now have Nail Stamping License :P I also took a closer picture so you guys could read the cute story thats on the inside.
So back to my nails, Blue is the color for my nails today :) I love blue...and I've seen so many beautiful blue nails on Pinterest lately!! I don't know what it is about blue nails, but I am so attracted to them.
My blue nails are simple, but fun :) I used a stamp to create this design...I know it is more of a Zebra print, but the blue and white together make it look like clouds or wind to me.
I used China Glaze, Happy Go Lucky and Sinful Colors, Snow Me White. The plate I used was Cheeky plate CH2.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Hello! :) Today is day 4, which is Green Nails! When I think of green, I think of plants...also because I have 23 plants in my apartment its the only green thing I could think of hahaha.
For this design I used China Glaze, Gaga For Green and Liquid Leather. I also used Bundle Monster Stamping Plate BM11.
I really like this design! I'm kind of sad I won't be able to keep it on very long :P But that just means more fun designs to come!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I am so excited to show you my nails for today! :) They turned out so cute! The theme for today is Yellow nails so I picked a design I have been wanting to try for awhile now...and with today being yellow nails, it seemed perfect! ...MINIONS!!
Every time I look at them I want to laugh :) Doing each face different really makes them seem more real...like they have a personality hahaha. I have my own personal minions :P
For this design I used China Glaze, Happy Go Lucky, Flyin' High and Liquid Leather. Also, Sinful Colors, Snow Me White.
I have seen other people do this design, so I know I'm not the first, but I hope you like these as much as I do :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Hey guys! I'm so sorry about yesterday...my boyfriend, Brandon, decided we needed to get out of town for the day, so we went to Vegas! :) It was nice to get out and switch up our routine. But, because I didn't plan for it we got back kind of late. I did still plan on doing my nails. I did a cute, fun, simple design...but dang it took me so long!
Have you ever had one of those days where you start painting your nails and adding designs and the first nail goes smooth and looks awesome and then you do the next nail and mess up. You think 'oops, oh well, its only one nail, I can hurry and re-do it'. And then you keep going with your other nails and come back to it and mess it up again!? :( I did that last night. And for some reason the same nail just didn't want polish on it at all! I messed it up so many times that I had to just let it go and go to bed.
Have you ever had one of those days where you start painting your nails and adding designs and the first nail goes smooth and looks awesome and then you do the next nail and mess up. You think 'oops, oh well, its only one nail, I can hurry and re-do it'. And then you keep going with your other nails and come back to it and mess it up again!? :( I did that last night. And for some reason the same nail just didn't want polish on it at all! I messed it up so many times that I had to just let it go and go to bed.
Day 2 is orange, which I'm not a huge fan of...but it turned out cute I think :) The middle finger was the one that wouldn't cooperate, so I painted it a different color and I actually like it.
I used Silky Polish, Dupion Tang, Sinful Colors, Timbleberry, and Cheeky Plate, CH7.
So because of how everything worked out today, I'm going to continue as if tomorrow is Day 3, I apologize about that. Please check back tomorrow for my Yellow nails! :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
I know it's Super late! ...I apologize for that, I just wanted to let you know that my Day 2 is a complete fail :( I'm having technical difficulties. So pictures for Day 2 will both be posted tomorrow, and I'll continue on from there. Again I apologize! Please check back tomorrow! :)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Hey guys! :) For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you may know that I've been thinking about doing the 31 Day Challenge...Today I finally started it! Took me long enough, huh? lol just kidding.
For those of you who may not know what the 31 Day Challenge is, I attached the picture below so you can be in the loop :P ...and also because it's my cheat sheet hahah!
This technique is inspired by Robin Moses, you can check out her video here. It's water marbling without water. (I have tried water marbling a few times, and have failed miserably :( I hope that when I actually have the Water Marbling Theme on Day 20 that I will be able to figure it out, because I do love the look!).
Also, I'm still practicing how to get good lighting for my pictures, and I'm still working on how to position my hands, so bear with me please lol I will figure it out. If you have any suggestions or comments on how I should position my hands for the pictures, please feel free to comment.
I really like how both of these pictures turned out with my hand positioning, even though the lighting isn't the best.
For those of you who may not know what the 31 Day Challenge is, I attached the picture below so you can be in the loop :P ...and also because it's my cheat sheet hahah!

So obviously today is Day 1. The theme for today is Red Nails. I didn't want to just do plain red nails because I'm not a big fan of red on My nails...so I added a little extra :) I hope you like it!
I thought this technique would be pretty easy, but it is a little more difficult than it looks hahah. It took me a few tries to finally figure it out...if you have ever watched Robin Moses' videos, she makes everything look so easy!!
Anywho, I hope you enjoy my Red Nail Design for Day 1 of the 31 Day Challenge :) Now only 30 more days to go! Wahoo! :P I hope you will check back over the next 30 days! It will be fun!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Have you guys heard of Silky Polishes? I just recently found out about them on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/SilkyPolish) when the creator of them, Janna, posted about the harmful chemicals some nail polish brands use. I was intrigued, because I like to do what I can to help the planet and animals, etc. Anywho, I asked her for a copy and we emailed back and forth a few times...long story short, I realized she is the creator of Silky Polish :P lol.
About 2 weeks ago she posted that she was having a summer sale, so I finally bought some of her polishes...I love them :) When I opened up the box after receiving them I first noticed how opaque they look. The formula is amazing! You pretty much only need one coat of each color.
About 2 weeks ago she posted that she was having a summer sale, so I finally bought some of her polishes...I love them :) When I opened up the box after receiving them I first noticed how opaque they look. The formula is amazing! You pretty much only need one coat of each color.
Here are the colors I bought :)
From left to right the colors are:
Eri Isle (Sheer)
Twill Sea
Viole Serenade
Dupion Tang
Tussah Sunglow
This design was fun :) I used Twill Sea because it is such a beautiful color and I had to try it first! hahah
I also used Striping Tape for this design. I just bought it from Amazon and wanted to try out my new polish and the tape at the same time.
So far I like the look of the Striping Tape, but I don't love it. I know it was my first time using it, so I will be trying it again...but the reason I don't like it so much is because the ends peel very easily, so it didn't last very long.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Hey all! I just wanted to share the two simple designs I did with the new polishes I bought :)
I used my new L.A. Colors, Sinful Colors and Striping polishes to create this design. I like it alot because it was simple, fun and still eye catching :)
After taking off my acrylic nails I wanted to try a gradient design using sparkles. I have seen many different designs on Pinterest and I love the look so I decided to create my own :)
Hey guys! I know it has been a few days since I posted anything, so I have a couple new things to show you :)
I have recently started following a lot of other nail bloggers and I absolutely love it! Not only do I get to see others designs and watch their tutorials, but they share information about who's having sales and what products to get!! So I have a few new polishes, Thanks to 'The Do It Yourself Lady'. She shared on her Facebook page about Walgreen's having a sale, $.99 each on their 'Sinful Colors Collection'. So here is what I bought:
I have recently started following a lot of other nail bloggers and I absolutely love it! Not only do I get to see others designs and watch their tutorials, but they share information about who's having sales and what products to get!! So I have a few new polishes, Thanks to 'The Do It Yourself Lady'. She shared on her Facebook page about Walgreen's having a sale, $.99 each on their 'Sinful Colors Collection'. So here is what I bought:
A few days before I bought these, I went out shopping with my mom for her birthday. She needed to go to Sally's so I ended up getting more Striping Polishes because I had another 15% off coupon that expired that day! Lucky me! :P I'm loving them so much more now that I have more colors to chose from!
So this find was an unexpected one lol (meaning I did not go looking for these). I went in to Ross to look for an ottoman for my living room, and while I was there I stopped to see if they had any nail supplies or polishes. I found these L.A. Colors (plus a white one I forgot to put in the picture) all in a pack together for $6.99!! So I pretty much paid $.99 for each of these to!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Hey everyone! I know it's kind of late but I wanted to show you guys what I bought yesterday when I was out shopping :)
So before I show pictures, I want to tell you a little bit about why I bought this item.
As you may have noticed my Nail Polish collection is getting bigger...And now the cute bag I bought for all of my nail polishes to fit in a few months ago, has been outgrown :( But! I'm super excited! Because, even though I wasn't out shopping for this particular item, I had in mind that I needed to find something else to fit all of my nail polishes and tools in. So, I was in T.J. Maxx and it was almost time for the store to close. I was back in the Home Department because I absolutely LOVE looking through for home decor, paintings, statues, Holiday decorations, etc...but this time I came over something for my polishes :) I hope you like it as much as I do!
So this is what I came across :) This beautifully stitched box made in India. I immediately fell in love with it! But that's not all! ...When I opened the box there was another one inside! :D And then when I got it home I opened up the second box and there was a third box!
So before I show pictures, I want to tell you a little bit about why I bought this item.
As you may have noticed my Nail Polish collection is getting bigger...And now the cute bag I bought for all of my nail polishes to fit in a few months ago, has been outgrown :( But! I'm super excited! Because, even though I wasn't out shopping for this particular item, I had in mind that I needed to find something else to fit all of my nail polishes and tools in. So, I was in T.J. Maxx and it was almost time for the store to close. I was back in the Home Department because I absolutely LOVE looking through for home decor, paintings, statues, Holiday decorations, etc...but this time I came over something for my polishes :) I hope you like it as much as I do!
So this is what I came across :) This beautifully stitched box made in India. I immediately fell in love with it! But that's not all! ...When I opened the box there was another one inside! :D And then when I got it home I opened up the second box and there was a third box!
This is actually the smallest box. The bigger ones were hard to get full pictures of...
The big box is 9x12.
The medium box is 8x10.
The small box (pictured above) is 6x8.
They look so beautiful together! The best part for me personally is that I get to fit all of my Nail Polishes and Tools into all 3 boxes and I stack them (as seen above) and I placed them on a small night stand in my bedroom. They are great for decoration!!
This is the big box, which I was thrilled that my polishes would stand up in it! ...I was kind of sad when I put all of my polishes in the box because I thought I had way more than this lol :P ...soon!
On to the medium box!
This box is perfect for holding all of my Acrylic Tools. When I first started practicing acrylic on myself I bought a starter kit from Wal-Mart (so I didn't waste any of the expensive products). The starter kit was by 'Nailene', and it came with the clear case seen in the photo. Even though I am done with the Nailene products I love the case because it helps to keep me organized.
This last one is the small box of course ;) I put all of my extras tools in here. I also put my Stamping Plates in this box. The orange thing in the picture is a small, manicure set. It's perfect for a purse! I bought it at Dillard's a few years ago and I love it!
I know these boxes were meant to be jewelry boxes, but they are so perfect for my Nail Products! I did take up most of the space in the boxes, but I really wouldn't mind buying more :)
The boxes were made in India and the little card that comes with them says that they are all hand-stitched, so no two are the same.
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed! :)
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